Re: MD Begging the Question, Moral Intuitions, and Answering the Nazi, Part III

Date: Sat Oct 18 2003 - 20:00:29 BST

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: MD Begging the Question, Moral Intuitions, and Answering the Nazi, Part III"


    Are you really serious? Of course you are. All right, you are a champion of individual freedom. Good for you. We're happy for you. It is pathetic that this should have to be explained to you again. Matt's use of a nazi was done as an example. READ THE ESSAYS AGAIN!! I should not have to repeat the points he was making. Because he chose a nazi to make his point does not mean he would engage a real life Nazi in a lengthy conversation. For all this talk about this being a high quality site, your contributions as a long time member can come accross as pretty dense. The antithesis of intelligent philosophical discussion. If you want examples you only need to refer to your latest post to which I am replying. But that is okay. I will go back lurking and try and control myself from making comments when you make more inane points and replies in the future.

    Best regards,
    > Andy,
    > I'd appreciate your criticism if you could be more specific in your
    > charges.
    > > Andy: Rorty makes no bones about how we should deal with Nazis also.
    > > If you would read Matt a little more carefully you would see this.
    > > However, after all this time it has become blatantly obvious that you
    > > are incapable of following a line of thought.
    > For example?
    > >Matt has described why he
    > > uses a nazi to make his point. He has also stated that after awhile
    > > strongarming nazis is the only option to pursuing a better society.
    > > Rorty would agree.
    > Why "after awhile?" Is it necessary to engage in a lengthy conversation
    > with Nazis before eliminating them? Does the name Neville Chamberlain
    > mean anything to you?
    > > You may call it "namecalling" but after all this time of patiently
    > > answering your ridiculous and outrageous distortions of Rorty,
    > > pragmatism, and Matt's take on Pirsig, anytime he has engaged you in the
    > > past year he has been dealing with "crap."

    > Like Matt, you also call challenges to Rorty orthodoxy "crap." You'll
    > gladly engage a Nazi in debate, but not someone who champions
    > individual freedom. Doesn't that strike you as rather curious?
    > > Bring something new to the
    > > discussion for once instead of the same old allegations that matt has
    > > consistently and intelligently refuted time and time again.
    > How about a list of allegations along with Matt's refutations? If
    > you're going to make a charge, the least you could do is back it up. Or
    > are casting aspersions one of Rorty's approved debating techniques?
    > Seems so if two of his acolytes, you and Matt, are typical
    > representatives of his arguing style.
    > Platt
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