Re: MD Quality takes a hit

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Mon Mar 08 2004 - 13:25:30 GMT

  • Next message: Leland Jory: "OT Re: Legal actions [was MD Quality takes a hit]"

    Hi Leland,

    > On Mar 6, 2004, at 14:12, Platt Holden wrote:
    > > I see where the heavy hand of government and a group of envious jurists
    > > have conspired to bring down an individual whose life was dedicated to
    > > quality, namely one Martha Stewart. Say what you will about the domestic
    > > diva, she brought the art of gracious living to the average shlub and was
    > > richly rewarded for her efforts.
    > Much of this "art of gracious living" was the pasting of Victorian
    > values on modern society. I would definitely call Martha a Victorian in
    > spirit.

    I have a different take on Martha because I consider good cooking, good
    décor and good manners universal rather than solely Victorian values.

    > > But like the brujo in the story of the
    > > Zuni, Martha must not be allowed to rise above the lowest common
    > > denominator of her culture without being punished.
    > The difference is, the brujo in the story was a 'misfit' in his
    > particular society whereas Martha is one of the Zuni high-priests. She
    > doesn't seem to be looking for any particular increase in Dynamic Quality
    > in her pursuits.

    In my view modern Zuni high priests are the liberal media moguls in New
    York and Hollywood who give us such uplifting cultural icons as Janet
    Jackson and Britney Spears as well as a blatant left-wing bias in news
    reporting. Martha, like Mel gibson, is the misfit in fighting general
    cultural degradation.

    > > As many before her, she
    > > must be sacrificed for violating the static patterns of a vulgar
    > > society.
    > Except she seemed to be all about maintaining "proper appearances".
    > Using the "right" ingredients, the "right" fabrics. Not discussing
    > anything terribly important from anything but a social level. Lady
    > Martha the Victorian.

    I think supporting the best of the social level important to maintaining
    the intellectual level. A depraved social level drags everything down.
    > I was remarking the other day (when the verdict came in) that it is a sign
    > of the society in which we live that a jury could find Martha Stewart
    > guilty of fraud and profiteering, but not find O.J. Simpson guilty of
    > murder. Mind-boggling.

    On this we completely agree.

    > > A sad day for elegance, refinement and grace.
    > All of these things do have value, but not at the expense of our social
    > frameworks (i.e. the Law).

    Debatable in this case, but I guess I've made my point.


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