Re: MD quality religion

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Fri Mar 19 2004 - 15:09:17 GMT

  • Next message: MATTHEW PAUL KUNDERT: "Re: MD quality religion"

    Hi Sam,

    > ..... The fact is, god CAN be used interchangeably with DQ, just like tao
    > can.
    > I think the equation of God (or tao) with DQ is a mistake, even leaving
    > aside theological quibbles. As I understand the MoQ, the equivalent of God
    > (or tao) is Quality - which is then subdivided into dynamic and static, and
    > no subdivision can be the highest term.
    > The common lapse into equating dynamic quality with God (or tao) reflects
    > cultural biases in favour of innovation and "progress" rather than Pirsig's
    > own thought, IMHO. What makes a DQ innovation positive rather than negative
    > is precisely its integration with static patterns - so DQ and SQ are yoked
    > together like yin and yang. Pirsig preserves that balance. Many
    > contributors do not - again, IMHO ;-)
    I agree that equating DQ with God (or Tao or anything supernatural) is
    wrong. But I disagree that God can be equated to Quality. IMHO, the MOQ is
    atheistic to the core. The MOQ provides a naturalistic explanation of
    reality. There's a natural tendency to ascribe supernatural powers to DQ
    because it can't be explained in so many words, but neither can energy,
    that mysterious force that science regards as the ultimate source of
    everything but is nothing if not natural.


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