MD Diversity Part 2 - Coherence -

From: Matthew Poot (
Date: Sun Mar 21 2004 - 20:14:09 GMT

  • Next message: Wim Nusselder: "Re: MD quality religion"

    Hello everyone,

    In my previous post on diversity, I wanted to introduce certain ideas I have
    concerning the judgement of people, and basically the decision making
    'process' vaguely..

    These Ideas being, in summary: The more open one is to the unknown, new,
    strange, --->Dynamic, the propensity to rely on static repertoire (history
    of experience) diminishes. I feel this is important, because the more one
    relies on static repertoire for guidance (either conciously, or
    subconciously), the more one will increase his/her/it's propensity towards
    dependency on the static. I will use an analogy to explain this/these.
    Dont take this analogy as concrete, because I could write an infinite amount
    of possibilities (hypothesese)

    There is a cross-country skiier. This skiier goes to a large park nearest
    their area of residence to go skiing. Let us say that this park is so large,
    that its boundaries are unknown to the skiier. The first time they strap on
    their skiis, and begin to venture into the park, there are no tracks from
    other cross country skiiers. So, the skiier goes on, making a new trail,
    moving on a path that is not set physically, but which it's only direction
    is unspecified. The skiier chooses to go here or there, based upon various
    values of Quality . Once the skiier is satisfied with the distance they
    have crossed, they have two choices, which are based upon their tendencies
    developed by previous experience (static-repertoire):

    1: They can go back on the same route that they originally travelled. This
    seems to be a suitable solution, because it is much easier to ski on tracks
    already made, because it decreases the friction, therefor making it less
    physically and mentally demanding . This is known as the "easy" choice.
    There is nothing inherently worse or better with this?

    2:They can circle around, and continue to forge a new path, which takes them
    back to the point of origin. This choice leads to the most variety in
    physical and mental demands, due to the fact that they have to travel
    through untrodden snow. This is known as the "hard" choice. There is
    nothing inherently worse, or better with this ?

    Now, there are effectors which can change the choices made by the skiier.
    These are: What wax has the skiier used? Is it the most suitable for
    travelling through "fresh" snow, or snow that is compact due to previous
    use. Is it suitable for wet or dry snow, or is it an all-purpose wax? Are
    their ski's best fitted to them? How warmly are they dressed?

    The next time the skiier goes skiing, they again have the choice between #1
    and #2. This choice is there, as long as they continue to ski.
    However, if they choose #1 here are some possible results:

    They make this choice, because the more you travel on the same path, the
    more easily you glide upon the surface (due to reduction of friction), and
    the faster (going fast is a thrill, I'll have to admit) you can go.

    If they do this once or twice, they may ask "hmm... what will happen if I
    change my wax from waxAP(all-puropse) to WaxEZ-Glide, I wonder what the
    difference will be?"

    This question is a direct result of Dynamic-Quality, and Static Quality
    interacting with one another. This is known as Coherence.

    If they choose then to use the EZ-Glide, and find that it really makes them
    glide effortlessly across the path, then they will no doubt gain a lot of
    satisfaction from this. This initial satisfaction develops a bond between
    the person, and that path. They can/will begin to look at it, as their path
    (not in the form of possesion, but rather with the attitude that "I made
    this path, before anyone". They will in turn, enjoy travelling this path,
    and remembering various experiences they have had while travelling it. They
    have the special 'bond' with the path, and sort of 'like' it.

    Now, when they keep travelling this path, and certain events which happen
    and are completely out of control. Let us say, that they are travelling one
    day, **near the end of their path, and they hear a tree fall in the forest,
    and they are curious about it. They decide to see what exactly has
    happened. So, they break out of they;re own path to head towards the origin
    of the sound. On the way there, they find that since it is difficult going
    through the snow (Due to the selection of wax being EZ-Glide).

    **= If they made a new path near the origin, (root of the path) then they
    would be able to travel to the new area more easily. This is a direct
    analogy to Pirsigs idea of drifting laterally. Expanding thought from the
    root, instead of branching out. It opens up more possiblities, while
    leaving others open for branching, while branching is limited.

    They keep going towards it. Here is where they again use the relationship
    of DQ(treefalling, inquisitiveness) with SQ(Skiing experience) --->
    As they keep going, farther, and farther (no specific distance specified
    here)focusing on finding the tree, they see a huge tree that has fallen.
    They go close to it, and look at it, around it. Then once they become more
    familiar with it, and they're attention wanes, they look at where they are.

    Suddenly they find that they are in a beatiful area, with all sorts of new
    biological life (trees, plants, animals). The aesthetic response is strong.
    They notice it's getting dark, so they head back, thinking of what they have

    The next time they go skiing they don't have the time to go all the way to
    the end, and can't go back to the fallen tree.

    The next time they go skiing and they do have time, they are still using the
    EZ-Glide, because they have already made a path. However, when they reach
    the spot where the path is supposed to be, it is mostly covered with
    wind-blown snow. Depending upon their physical state, they either choose to
    keep going, or to head to the tree. They're phsical status is determined by
    their Static Repertoire (If they have travelled mostly on the same path,
    they are less physically fit ).

    Depending upon the static-repertoire, they choose to forget about the path,
    because they are not as fit to travel it (ah....I don't feel like doing it
    today--sort of thing)
    But.....BUT, this does NOT mean that they will forever choose the "easy"
    path. They might get 'sick of it' and then change the wax they use, and
    venture out.
    This depends upon COHERENCE.

    I 'believe' that the type of skiis they use also have a great deal of impact
    on their decisions.

    Type of Skiis ---> is a direct analogy can I say
    it.....Intelligence? But it goes way beyond what any word such as
    'intelligence' can possibly begin to describe.

    They can , based on they're skiis, be able to do more things. If they have
    better (more intelligent) skiis , then they can "go to more places". This
    is not to say that they can only have 1 set of skiis they're whole life.
    They can change them.


    As you can see, DIVERSITY is throughout this whole analogy. Diversity is
    very important. It is similar to the Dynamic.

    Also, you can see how COHERENCE is?


    Anyways, I don't have time to finish this up, or to edit what I have

    Comments are appreciated.

    Matthew Poot

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