LS Re: in nothingness there is a great working

Ant McWatt (
Mon, 7 Sep 1998 14:34:37 +0100

6th September 1998

Hi Troy and Donald,

I don't think there is much I would disagree with your
arguments, at first reading, except

1. I thought Pirsig equated the Tao with Quality in ZMM.


2. the statement:

"The generator of the Quality Event (that rock colliding
with the Earth) is amoral. It has value (mass, velocity, etc.), but to
assign it Morality based on it's physical attributes?"

I think Pirsig would say that physical things are not
amoral but are a low order of morality. Everything is seen
as moral in the MOQ, hence the four static levels which
help us grade things.

The comment of Troy's of whether or not his existence is
more moral than mine made me laugh. Most of my drinking
partners would definitely say YES!

Best wishes,


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