RE: MD A bit of reasoning (correction)

From: Scott Roberts (
Date: Tue Oct 05 2004 - 19:30:30 BST

  • Next message: Scott Roberts: "RE: MD On Faith"

    I want to correct something I said in this reply. When you said
    [DMB:] > In any case, you seem to be using it to invent a little
    > intellectual judge who inspects patterns at each level.

    I replied:
    [Scott:] The judge is called DQ, until intellect appeared in humans, when
    it is also called human intellect.
    Now I add:
    Although DQ is involved in all judgment, one can also hypothesize
    non-corporal entities of various levels and complexity doing the judging.
    These would be such entities as Sheldrake's morphogenetic forms, or perhaps
    what other traditions have called angels or spirits, or personifications of
    species or forces (as in Amerindian mythology which has, say, Coyote as a
    protagonist), and so forth. Naturally, this is all wildly speculative as to
    where one says this is an intellectual form but that isn't, but a
    hypothesis that there are such non-corporal thinking entities doesn't seem
    to me to be all that unreasonable.
    - Scott

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