Re: MD Is Morality Relative?

From: Mark Steven Heyman (
Date: Mon Dec 06 2004 - 04:25:04 GMT

  • Next message: ml: "Re: MD On Faith"

    On 6 Dec 2004 at 1:46, Horse wrote:
    On 4 Dec 2004 at 15:51, Erin wrote:

    > Although it is exciting to think that maybe contextualism allows a
    > structure that MOQers can agree on, a good middle ground (it is
    > probably the first label I feel comfortable giving full acceptance
    > to---finally know what to call myself hee hee). I wonder if this
    > agreement will lead to some consensus in this group or if this will
    > be ignored and the relativistic-absolutistic cat and dog fight will
    > continue :-) First maybe I should ask, is there anybody that
    > disagrees with the contextualist argument?

    Having been an advocate of context and moral judgements in the MoQ
    pretty much since this list started way back when, I'm glad to see
    that it has arisen again.

    Could I ask you to be a bit more specific about what you mean by the
    'contextualist argument'. An earlyish post of mine gives one
    definition of contextualism
    ( )
    but this may not be what you mean.

    msh says:
    I think I should point out that, though I believe there is absolute
    truth, I do not believe that there is some moral absolute that
    applies at all times in all situations. Because some statements are
    absolutely true doesn't mean that every question has an absolute

    So I don't see that Erin's comment about the "relativistic-
    absolutistic cat and dog fight" has any bearing on my position. In
    fact, I don't see that it has any bearing on anyone's position here.
    Has anyone suggested that there is an absolute answer, regardless of
    context, to every moral question? Pirsig says that it is immoral for
    biological static quality patterns to destroy social SQP, and for
    social SQP to destroy intellectual SQP, but even this leaves plenty
    of room for contextual analysis of what comprises SQP at any level.

    So... I guess I don't see the problem. OF COURSE context is
    necessary to make moral judgements. Except for religious whackos who
    imagine they have a hard-wire connection to the mind of God, who
    would claim otherwise?

    I guess I'll wait and see what develops from Horse's comments.

    Best to all,
    Mark Steven Heyman (msh)
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