MD Chance and natural selection

From: Jonathan B. Marder (
Date: Sun Aug 17 2003 - 06:43:55 BST

  • Next message: Sam Norton: "Re: MD Rorty and Darwin"

    Scott, Steve (+ PS to David B.,

    >> I believe evolution is the best model of any kind of reality.
    >> MOQ layers are a good summary of just such a reality IMHO - stable layers
    >> building dynamically on layers over many generations.
    >> I see no conflict or paradox between MOQ and Darwin.

    >You seem to be equating "Darwinism" with "evolution". Darwinism is
    >by chance and natural selection. I reject that (and I think the MOQ does
    >too). Quality is not chance.

    I strongly disagree with Scott - he needs to be careful where he puts the
    word "chance" in the above sentence. Darwinian evolution proceeds by
    mutation and selection. The mutation part has a random direction - or as I
    have said before, its only direction is AWAY from what came before. However,
    selection has a very definite direction - towards greater survivability, or
    to put it in quality terms, towards BETTERNESS.


    To David B. Platypus No. : At what MoQ level do you place the pattern of

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