Re: MD Quality and In-e-quality

From: David MOREY (
Date: Mon Mar 01 2004 - 18:47:34 GMT

  • Next message: Joe: "Re: MD The Dynamic/Static resolution."

    Hi Platt

    Actually I really think we need to get
    rid of money, then we have to have a
    more intelligence and democratic form
    of decision making. And like you suggest
    the whole notion of control needs eliminating.
    Cooperation is a much better way forward.
    We really do need to have less conflict based
    societies. Our means of conflict are just so dangerous
    these days. If we do not end conflict then the final conflict
    is probably just a matter of time.

    David M

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Platt Holden" <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Monday, March 01, 2004 2:04 PM
    Subject: Re: MD When is a metaphysics not a metaphysics?

    > Hi DM,
    > > Problem with money determining
    > > markets determining quality is the initial starting point
    > > of inequality,
    > What's the problem with money determining value? What's the problem with
    > inequality?
    > > so no democracy there with a few
    > > market big spenders determining what we have to spend
    > > our time producing. If only markets were really free.
    > Unlike government, the market can't put a gun to your head to make you
    > behave a certain way. Freedom means freedom from government coercion. It
    > doesn't mean freedom from natural biological forces.
    > > The huge levels of ignorance leads to great sales of Britney
    > > and poor salers of Mozart, but I thought you were on my side there.
    > Since government is responsible for education, where shall we place the
    > blame for such ignorance?
    > > Now sure, capitalism has had a role in creating more freedom, better
    > > record than Soviet communism, but I want more freedom than now,
    > > let's never rest in the struggle for DQ & freedom. Above all we
    > > need to have proper democratic control over the major resources
    > > and productive powers in our society, no more corporate moral
    > > vacuum.
    > What sort of arrangement would you suggest to assure "proper democratic
    > control of the major resources and productive powers of society?" When you
    > use a word like "control," I shudder to think of what your enforcement
    > might include. We already see the danger to freedom in threats by the FCC
    > to censor Howard Stern and other avoidable "offensive" acts. The logical
    > next step is to censor all criticisms of the government as detrimental to
    > the public good. Scary stuff don't you think?.
    > Regards,
    > Platt
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