Re: MD Lila's Child

From: Joe (
Date: Thu Aug 14 2003 - 18:29:23 BST

  • Next message: Gert-Jan Peeters: "Fw: MD On Death"

    Hello Joe,
    I can only give you my view of things, and i do not claim to be 100% correct and never will!
    However, i have a sense that you are on to it. But i feel there is a discrtete gap between DNA and social patterns. I feel there is a discrete gap between social patterns and intellect. I say this because that is what the MoQ says. But there may be a state of alignment across all levels which looks like interaction, but is not.
    All the best,

    Hi Squonk,

    joe: for a couple of nights I have had misgivings about my post to you of Aug 12. I don't feel right about it. You put into words exactly my unease. "i do not claim to be 100% correct and never will". I echo your words. I hope I will be more attentive in the future to IMO.

    Like you I feel there is a discrete gap between the orders. IMO three brains are necessary to apprehend the differences in DNA (purpose, sensation), SOCIAL (existence, emotion), and INTELLECT (quality, apprehension and comprehension).

    As usual your post forced me to re-think and add IMO to my outlook more often. I want to again express my appreciation for your kindness.


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