MD Pure experience and the Kantian problematic

From: Ant McWatt (
Date: Mon Feb 21 2005 - 03:20:06 GMT

  • Next message: David Buchanan: "RE: MD REALity"

    Ant McWatt had stated to Scott: However, I can see why he (and Marsha) are
    frustrated with your recent posts because you are tending to distort the MOQ
    rather than clarifying or
    adding to it.

    Erin commented on this February 20th:

    We are here to clarify and add to the MOQ but I think that if critiquing of
    his work is not welcomed and every disagreement is assumed to be a
    misunderstanding and labeled a distortion we are doing a disservice to his
    work and philosophy.

    Ant McWatt notes: This is fair comment as far as it goes though - in this
    particular instance - I think David B’s and Marsha’s frustration with
    Scott’s recent posts was largely justified. It would be dishonest of me to
    pretend otherwise.

    Erin stated February 20th:

    Could you answer a couple a questions for me.

    1) What is the best definition of empirical in your opinion?

    Ant McWatt answers:

    Sorry about this Erin but when I said I agree with Ron it’s because I also
    have little interest in the issue of empiricism as it has been discussed on
    MOQ Discuss recently.

    Erin asked February 20th:

    2) Do you think that experiencing the quality of a painting is the same
    type of experience as experiencing the length of a painting?

    Ant McWatt answers:

    Not usually. The first is an artistic experience while the second is an
    intellectual one.

    Erin asked February 20th:

    3) If you do see a difference in experiences and/or verifiablity why is it
    wrong to distinguish [between] these type of experiences?

    Ant McWatt answers:

    I don’t think it is wrong. For instance, it’s a lot easier to verify a
    mystic experience than, for example, verifying a particular scientific
    understanding of reality from studying the quantum behaviour of sub-atomic
    particles. The former can be verified by anyone (whether in a jungle,
    Western suburb or mountain) with the right guide or with knowledge available
    at any decent local library while the latter can only be verified by a small
    industrialized elite with substantial resources and fairly esoteric
    knowledge. I seem to remember Richard Feynman, the famous physicist and
    Nobel Prize Winner stating that there is probably only a handful of people
    in the world who understand quantum physics – and only to some extent.
    Finally, mystics have more general agreement with each other than quantum
    physicists do in their respective field – Pirsig’s SODV paper is as good
    indication of the latter’s profound disagreements as any.

    Erin stated February 20th:

    ...especially when other distinctions,e.g. types of quality or another fave
    typing by politically-proned members--types of people) are welcomed here

    Ant McWatt comments:

    Erin, this last section is gobbledegook (those typos again!) or a riddle by
    the Mad Hatter or possibly both. It would therefore be helpful if you could
    re-state it if there is a serious point lurking in there somewhere,

    Best wishes,


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